Archive for August, 2012

Nairobi National Park

Posted: 01/08/2012 in Kenya, Travel
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[This is a backdated post.]

So, I chose “Nairobi National Park” as an outdoor activity during the summit. I wanted to feel what a wildlife park in the city would be like.

With about 8 people on our game drive, we began our tour to only wildlife park very close to the city. I had not taken a decent camera to Nairobi but I charged my phone full! The first thing I saw once we reached the park did put a big smile on my face. Guess what?

Corruption Free Disclaimer at Nairobi National Park.

Corruption Free Disclaimer at Nairobi National Park.

I wished we could have such things all over Myanmar. And I whispered myself “Dream on……”.

Since I had never been to any kind of small/big safari, I thought the park would be full of animals. I had totally forgotten the fact that we might need to go to the “right” spots to find the “right” animals. For first few minutes, I was like “Urgg, is that Safari? Without single animals? Just driving in that big park”?

Nairobi National Park Game Ride

When can we find “a n i m a l s”!?

Then, we reached a very interesting spot – the place where tons of ivories were burnt. In order to eliminate the trade of ivory in Kenya,  they burnt 12 tons of ivories there. I understand their firm decision to get rid of that cruel black market trade. But if I were a decision maker, I might not have wasted those. Perhaps, we could use to support children or women? I’m not sure how much 12 tons of ivories will be worth but simply burning is still a waste for me. But on the other hand, such intense decision could be the reason of eliminating the trade. Here’s what they burnt.

Nairobi National Park Ivory burnt site

12 tons of ivory were burnt.

We found several picnic spots in the park. But this was my favourite – very poetic, very natural and very heaven-ish, I would say.

Nairobi National Park Poetic Picnic spot

A very poetic natural reading place.

I can’t describe how much I would want this at my own home! A small desk and bench under the naturally formed branches, I mean, how perfect it was for a book and nature lover!?

Move on to animals, we found several deer almost everywhere in the park. They didn’t seem afraid of either cameras or human beings who could harm their privacy.

Nairobi National Park Deer

Looked like a bunch of kids in the school break-time.

I could try to get some close-up shots.

Nairobi National Park Deer Close up

I wanted to assume them as a couple. But hey, they both were male deer!

I have seen many giraffes in Yangon Zoo, Singapore Zoo etc. But none of them could walk as long as those in Nairobi. I think the way they walk is amusing, isn’t it?

Nairobi National Park Giraffe

In fact, one out of a ton of my Burmese nicknames was Giraffe during my schooltime. 😀

Well, they say there are 4 out of 5 Africa big five animals in Nairobi national park. I couldn’t take many of them because I didn’t have anything similar to “lens”. But not much effort was required to take a blurry shot of a lion.

Nairobi National Park Lion

Yes, a lion hidden. Super fun to see it without any glass nor cage.

Nairobi National Park Lion Close UP

Like a boss! He seriously didn’t give a damn to us. lol

The tour was finished after a couple of hours. The driver sent us to a souvenir shop near-by but I didn’t buy anything because almost exact same things were much cheaper in Masai Market. It reminded me of some souvenir shops in Myanmar where the price could be doubled up for foreigners. Is this a world culture?